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Glens Falls Karate Academy



Stroller StridesĀ®

Stroller StridesĀ® is a functional, total-body conditioning workout designed for moms with kids in tow. Each 60-minute workout is comprised of strength training, cardio and core restoration, all while entertaining little ones with songs, activities and fun! Each Stroller Strides instructor is skilled to meet you where you are mentally and physically. You'll leave class feeling connected, successful and energized! No more mama guilt! This class is all about self care in a supporting and encouraging environment.

Family Strides

Join us for Stroller Strides and bring a friend or family member for free!

Virtual Body Ignite Express

Body Ignite is an all-levels strength-focused class that will increase your metabolism, your athleticism, and your ability to lift, lunge, and lug everything mom-life throws at you! And this 30-minute version is a perfect mid-day break.

Please pre-register for this class so we can provide Zoom information.

Virtual Body Boost

A High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) total body workout that incorporates intervals of cardio, strength and core.

Please pre-register for this class so we can provide Zoom information.

Our Village


Stay after class for a free playgroup for the kiddos while you connect with other moms.

Field Trip

Join us for periodic field trips to local, kid-friendly places.

Ask the Expert Free No purchase required to enroll